One cause of Business losses:
ONI ENTERPRISES is one of Asia's oldest Executive Search Consultancies.
There are several reasons for a business to run into losses.
One of the causes is, rushing into recruiting the wrong personnel.
Some may argue that every recruitment is correct until the candidate fails himself at his task.
Correct. At the same time, the following traits are important pointers:
Important pointers:
(1) Has been good at sports during his childhood. He enjoys good health and walks straight, and tall.
(2) Has excelled at academics and is confident about his knowledge plus memory.
(3) Excels at controlling his activities through a daily, well chalked out plan.
(4) Has imbed high principals & values from his parents and strongly believes in conveying to his seniors the Data relevant to results of his past plans and activities till today. This normally happens vide excel sheets or the SAP or any other ERP program that is operational on that day.
(5) Reads up daily to update himself relating to technological advances that helps him upgrade his skills and his ability to deliver. Several senior executives have got tired of updating themselves due to age .
(6) Does not argue for the sake of arguing. Because he /she is so very confident about himself, he does not get irritated / insulted, nor feel insecure by the suggestions or new ideas being offered by the seniors. On the contrary, he asks for time, reads up relating to ideas offered by his seniors and discusses the same with his seniors after he is armed with Data collated on that subject.
(7) People management skills and the ability to turn on the "humane approach" to managing ground level personnel is a point to look out for. Knowing when to draw the line between being over friendly (and hence not respected) and yet, remain "caring" is what determines a good leader. A person who has worked at the ground level would ideally have experienced the hardships of the ground level personnel. During the period of learning about how to solve ground level challenges, the man who would become an MD many years later, would try to understand how to identify what incentives or emotions drives the employee(s) and what makes any different human being to become enthused enough to make that extra effort to try and complete the company set goal(s).
(8) People hate to "fetch the ball". Meaning, working at the ground level to become a 'Hands on man'. Our ideal candidate, on the contrary, during the early stages of his life, has learned how to take life as a challenge and enjoys each opportunity to "fetch the ball", because he gets to learn during each such opportunity. It has been noticed that potential Managing Directors perform better if they are well acquainted with ground level realities.
(9) He/she creates a soothing environment with his personality. He/she smiles while talking and is normally calm & composed. He/she does not normally shake his head and hands when excited but continues to remain composed despite the news. Poised, dignified and exuding an "in control" personality, he/she attracts trust and fan following.
(10) Most importantly, the potential Managing Director has necessarily to be from the Marketing & Sales background. The Managing Director is the Head of total operations which includes Marketing & Sales. It is easy to appoint Sales Professionals under you but an MD who has grown up through Sales & Marketing to become what he has today, and provided that he has risen consistently with salary raises, as proven by his Income Tax returns as well as his Bank Passbooks, would be your ideal candidate for the next Managing Director position.
If he has performed in the past with success and has been promoted as proven by his Income Tax returns, then, provided that we have a "consider it done Sir" candidate, then we must grab him and not let him go.
If you need further guidance in regards your ideal candidate for the positions of Managing Director, President, HR Head, Production Head, Technical Head etc. then, we are just an email call away!
Tally ho until then!
Chief Executive,
(One of Asias's oldest Executive Search Consultancy)